Compliance & Ethics
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Compliance & Ethics
Barrett Hospital & HealthCare has a Compliance & Ethics Program to ensure a systematic process is in place to promote adherence to the organization's legal and ethical obligations and to maintain excellence and integrity in our operations and professional business conduct.
All employees and business partners have an obligation to act in ways that will merit the trust, confidence and respect of other healthcare professionals and the general public. This obligation is spelled out in our Code of Ethics & Conduct.
We encourage our employees, business partners, patients and visitors to report any concerns and help us prevent and detect improper conduct. If you see something that appears to violate laws, rules, regulations, standards, or our Code of Ethics & Conduct, please let us know right away.
Barrett Hospital & HealthCare provides a confidential way to report compliance concerns and has a non-retaliation policy, meaning anyone can report in good faith without fear of being disciplined or otherwise treated unfairly. For Compliance concerns or questions contact this reporting line 406-683-3223 or email compliance@barretthospital.org.